Campo Hermoso Watermelon

Campo Hermoso Watermelon


Watermelon, Floral, Sweet

Roast: Light
Process: Watermelon Co-fermentation, Honey
Varietal: Pink Bourbon
Elevation: 1580m
Farm: Campo Hermoso
Region: Quindío

199kr (Sold Out)

This coffee is something truly out of the ordinary! It’s light, clean and sweet, and gains an outstanding fruitiness from the watermelon co-fermentation. With juicy candy-like notes in the cup, it’s a coffee that’s different and exciting.

In this process, the coffee cherries are fermented together with watermelon, as a step in an innovate and meticulous process that adds a fruity and refreshing twist to the coffee.

The farm Campo Hermoso is run by Edwin Noreña and has been in the family for more than three decades. Edwin is a coffee farmer and pioneer who has been working with coffee for over 20 years, both as a producer but also as a Q Grader working with quality scoring of coffees, as a Cup of Excellence judge, a coffee consultant and more. At Campo Hermoso, Edwin has been experimenting with different fermentation methods with great success, which is further improved using a number of different coffee varieties that are not only grown on the farm, but also sourced from other nearby farms.