Las Marias Anaerobic Pacamara

Las Marias Anaerobic Pacamara


Red Wine, Dark Fruits, Cocoa

Roast: Light
Process: Anaerobic Natural
Varietal: Pacamara
Elevation: 1950m
Farm: Las Marias
Region: Quindío


Pacamara is a hybrid between the varietals Pacas and Maragogipe, often known for its large bean size and exceptional quality. This coffee has a deep complexity with notes of dark fruits and cacao, with an intense and almost winey acidity, certainly outside the boundaries of what you might think of in a coffee! While it might not be your breakfast cup, it’s definitely a coffee for a shared special occasion, or something to enjoyably sip on as an evening treat.

This coffee has been processed using the anaerobic natural method, which involves fermenting the cherries in a sealed environment without oxygen. This can bring out flavors that are completely different from what you might expect from a coffee, anywhere from tropical fruitiness to intense and complex flavors like wine or rum. There are many ways to utilize anaerobic fermentation in different coffee processes, and the anaerobic natural is one of them.

At the farm Las Marias in Pijao, Quindío, over ten different varieties of coffee grow at high altitudes between 1750 and 2050 meters above sea level. This exceptional farm serves as the experimental ground for Café 1959, where new coffee varieties are cultivated and innovative farming techniques are tested. Operated by experienced third-generation coffee farmers who refer to themselves as “coffee designers”, Café 1959 is dedicated to creating unique coffee experiences from seed to cup. Each coffee is meticulously selected and tested for properties such as adaptability and productivity, with a strong emphasis on scientific methods to optimize aromas and flavor profiles, ensuring an outstanding taste experience in the final cup.